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Mandatory ADR in Action: Ringing the Changes
Following recent amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR), two recent cases illustrate the way in which courts are using these new powers to bring the benefits of ADR to bear at different stages of court proceedings and facilitate efficient dispute resolution.
Legal Update: Recent Case Law and The Continued Rise of ADR
Julian Critchlow examines recent developments in the law and practice of ADR, outlining its implications for parties to disputes, and investigate the implications of recent relevant changes to the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR).
Impact of Russian Sanctions on International Arbitration
A background to the practical and legal problems that UK-based entities may face when engaging in international arbitration with sanctioned Russian parties.
UK Signs the Singapore Convention
On 3 May 2023 the UK became the 56th State to sign the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation, known as the ‘Singapore Convention on Mediation’ (Signapore Convention).
5 Tips To Help Reduce Stress During Litigation
It's National Stress Awareness Day and in support of this we wanted to share 5 tips on how to reduce stress when going through one of the most stressful times a you can go through as a business; litigation.
Fashion giant Zara lose battle with female owned small fashion brand House of Zana
House of Zana, a small independent clothing brand has been locked in a trademark battle with clothing and homeware company Zara. After House of Zana owner Amber Kottri tried to trademark her brands name, Zara opposed stating it could be ‘misread, misheard and/or otherwise perceive House of Zana as Zara’, elaborating that the name ‘diluted’ their brand.
Tough at the Top - Preserving the UK's Status as an International Dispute Resolution Vanguard
The UK enjoys a storied reputation as a global dispute resolution hub, with both its court system and its standing, particularly that of London, as a safe and attractive seat for international arbitrations widely acknowledged and celebrated.