Lucy Ivimy
Finance Director
Lucy is a qualified barrister (non-practising) and a qualified investment analyst with an MBA from the London Business School. Whilst practising as a barrister, Lucy gained extensive experience in employment, criminal and general common law practice.
Lucy is a former city fund manager and her financial roles have included the following:
as a Fund manager she had sole responsibility for US$500m of pension fund investments in the Indian Subcontinent
whilst working on the Capital markets Asian desk, Lucy was responsible for successfully developing Schroders role and profile in the emerging Indian international syndicated equity placement market; and
as an Equity Analyst, based in Singapore, she worked in the aviation, shipping, telecoms and plantation and defence sectors.
Lucy is also currently a local councillor in Hammersmith and Fulham. Her Council roles have included:
Deputy Leader of the Opposition;
Chair of the Housing, Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee and Chair of the North West London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee: looking at the reorganisation of London's accident and emergency hospital services;
Cabinet Member for Housing: dealing with the implementation of 200m decent homes programme through 13,000 local authority owned homes; bringing the independent ALMO running H&F Homes back into direct control of the Council;
Chair of the Planning Committee, which involved agreeing the agenda for committee meetings, dealing with contentious issues and chairing the sometimes heated public meetings; and
Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee which involved sitting on or chairing numerous licensing tribunals.
In addition to the above, Lucy has experience in industry analysis and consultancy, including analysis of new media and communications, specifically the then newly emerging satellite/cable TV industries and the mobile communications industry, analysis of the Greek Cypriot tourism industry and preparing evidence for the Stansted public inquiry.